Update on the 2020 Damon Runyon Award banquet

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to provide an update on the Denver Press Club’s plans regarding the Damon Runyon Award banquet honoring Judy Woodruff, currently set for April 11 at the Denver Athletic Club.

We have been in touch with Woodruff’s representation and with the event venue, and we have roughly two weeks to make a final decision about whether to hold the event, which is just under a month away.

If we do cancel the banquet, we will provide guests with the opportunity to receive a full refund for tickets and sponsorships.

Our goal at this moment is to postpone the event until later this year, likely in August or September. We still have logistics to sort out, chiefly working with Woodruff to accommodate a new date. If we can secure a new date and attendees do not wish to attend or cannot attend, we would also provide the opportunity for a full refund. Tickets already purchased by guests who can attend the new date would be fully honored.

At the event, we are slated to award $15,000 in student journalism scholarships to students from nine Colorado colleges and universities (we finished judging on Wednesday). Regardless of what happens, students will still receive their scholarship funds before the end of the academic year. The Denver Foundation is coordinating the dispersement of the scholarships.

We recognize that much has changed in just the last 48 hours, and we are working diligently to weigh all of our options while heeding the advice of health professionals and government officials. Our goal is to provide you with a final decision by late next week. The Runyon is the Club’s most significant fundraiser, and without your support for us and our mission, this wouldn’t be possible.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach me at president@denverpressclub.org.


Dan Petty
The Denver Press Club

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Picture of Daniel Petty

Daniel Petty

Dan Petty is the president of the Denver Press Club. He has been a board member since 2016. He works as the digital director of audience development for MediaNews Group and previously worked as a digital news and sports editor at the Denver Post for seven years.

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