Hall of Fame Tribute Ads

We are glad to announce that you can place a tribute ad in the 2022 Denver Press Club Hall of Fame adbook. Submissions are due September 15. Submissions should be 300dpi, and sent to alby@denverpressclub.org.

Pricing is as follows:

Business card  2.5×1.5 B&W $60; Color $120
¼ page 5.25×2.5 B&W $100; Color $200
½ page 5.25×4.25 B&W $200; Color $400
Full page 5.25×8.25 B&W $400; Color $750

We also have the inside cover available: B&W $500; Color $1000.

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Picture of Katlyn Howery

Katlyn Howery

The Denver Press Club plot at Riverside Cemetery.

Tombstones, Tumbleweeds & Tall Tales

The Denver Press Club plot at Riverside Cemetery. Writer and Club Treasurer Skyler McKinley explores the Denver Press Club plot at Riverside Cemetery. I was honored to write this week’s