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The Denver Press Club and the Ukrainian Media Partnership Program are hosting a breakfast Zoom discussion about what life is like on the ground for Ukrainian journalists from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 29. 
Evan Wyloge of the Colorado Springs Gazette will lead the chat as we hear from these journalists about what their work and personal lives have been like for the past month, their personal safety and what they see on the horizon for their country.
It took some work to pull this off with their hectic lives and the time difference. It will be the end of their work day while we are just getting going. So grab a Pop-Tart and cup of coffee and join us as you prepare for your work day. 

Information on the UMPP and the Zoom link are below:

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Meeting ID: 957 2378 6149
Passcode: 324965
Zoom meeting details:

Topic: Meeting with Colorado media and UMPP journalists

Time: Mar 29, 2022 05:00 PM Kiev
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 957 2378 6149
Passcode: 324965
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