Denver Press Club site relaunches as responsive

The new and responsive Denver Press Club website launched today, expanding the club’s online reach by nearly 90 percent worldwide.

It’s all about the math.

In 2015, Google changed its search algorithm to restrict searches made from smart phones and tablets to populate the search results with sites that are mobile or responsive. That means that if a site isn’t responsive or mobile that it’s got a slim-to-none chance of showing up. That’s the kind of site the Press Club had until now.

Responsive means is that a site is viewable on a desktop, tablet or smart phone. The site seamlessly narrows or widens depending on the type of technology being used.

Market share is what matters in cyberspace. And Google owns the real estate., an authority on internet use, reports that “in April 2016, Microsoft Sites handled 21.6 percent of all search queries in the United States. During the same period of time, Yahoo had a search market share of 12.2 percent. Market leader Google generated 63.8 percent of all core search queries in the United States and accounted for 89.3 percent of the global search market as of mid-2015.”

Okay, so mostly the members of the club are local. Revenues from renting the club inherently mean the users will be on site. Again local. But the legacy of the oldest press club now has the legs on it to be visible to every longitude and latitude on the globe. The club is now competitive in a web way that it wasn’t previously.

Besides being responsive, the new site has an online store featuring DPC T-shirts for sale. More product can and will be added now that the buying audience is expanded to everyone anywhere. Think over your holiday gift list, then buy often, buy early.

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” first echoed through the news biz in the 1890s. Now, nearly 130 years later you can … at

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Nancy Clark

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The Denver Press Club plot at Riverside Cemetery.

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